First of all you can also consult the source of this video, it's online and it is perfectly institutional. We report only the content, without further comments on the specific facts (there is also an extract with the Italian translation, LINK).
In fact, it is necessary to clarify voting in general in the West, given that we are approaching not so much the European elections, which are almost useless, as a parliament (EU) that cannot legislate autonomously is useless for democratic purposes*; but to those in the USA next November, crucial for the Western world to which we all belong.
In the proposed video, also translated into Italian, find names, surnames, facts, events. Enunciated not by us but by a certain Maria Zack, representative of Nations in Action, at the Senate Committee sworn hearing, March 15, 2022. In Kansas, United States of America.
The message to take from this video – which we report in full – is extremely positive in our opinion, read, it represents the desperate attempt of the Italian institutions to avoid suspected electoral fraud in the USA against Donald Trump in 2020.
A sign of great institutional loyalty on the Italian side, also an ethical sin of only some of the subjects involved. In fact, at the time there was Giuseppe "Giuseppy” Conte in Italy, with his trusted general. div. G. Vecchione, coming from the Guardia di Finanza itself which seems to have discovered the electoral affair thanks to its internal information services, according to the cited video from the Kansas government.
In addition to having then communicated what he discovered to Trump's team! That is, Trump would know everything about the subjects involved, we can see from the video (the witness testifies in a sworn hearing before a committee of the Senate of a US State, ed).
If you remember, at the time, especially the environment of Renzusconi had to complain about the flood and – according to some – excessive data sharing intelligence between the USA and Italy, lashing out against Conte and Vecchione. The latter general ranked lower than the heads of AISI ed AISE upon his appointment as head of the DIS (…). Brilliant move by the former Prime Minister.
It remains that, it seems, drawing the conclusions from the video cited, Italian subjects were apparently involved in the US electoral fraud, the same subjects being very closely linked in the case to the EU (...). And also relying on a company, Leonardo, a giant in the defense sector, at the time managed by a person of clear expression obamiana, then purged.
The enormous miscalculation made by Trump's enemies was that, at the time, they thought they had won without Trump in the White House.
The reality was very different: as happened in the post-Nixon era, when the ambush of Watergate by the English deepthroat – i.e. so-called subject. British institutional – led to the sole result of giving control of US operations to the military (resulting in the destruction of Carter's reputation in term, with only one term under his belt), so today we see the same happening with Biden.
That is, perhaps the real US command – OGGI – it's not really where the European media tells you to be, post Trump; so much so that then – with Nixon fallen -, just as today, a subsequent war managed by the US military then broke out shortly around the world (then, it was the anti-Israel rebellion of the Arab countries, which ended with the atomic bomb granted to Tel Aviv and the definitive nationalization of the Suez Canal and consequently the Peace of Camp David; today it is Ukraine that has been set on fire, the North Stream, and then also the Hamas war as a consequence of the attempt to hinder peace between the USA and Moscow, not peace between the USA and St. Petersburg, please note, ...).
We are still astonished to see Matteo Renzi, the former scrap dealer from times gone by, involved in the affair, based on the video shown above (“scrapper” just a label I would say, ed) in dress – we note – of CDs. liquidator of the late pro-USA Italian Prime Minister Giuseppy Conte: around the 21 minute mark in the video with Italian translation, we read about the image below.
We believe that this is a striking case, also given the previous political alignment of the Tuscan politician, pro-Obama-Clinton (...).
In any case, you can refer to the video translated into Italian of said hearing, literally sensational, presented below, click on the following image: you will thus be able to form an independent idea of the contents (we repeat, official contents in the sworn hearing at the commission of the Kansas State Senate, by a person who we can certainly say is professional, in terms of role, duties, etc.).
At about minute 21 you find the part about Matteo Renzi (do CLICK on the image for the translated video)
A few weeks ago Dagospia threw the CD away. “bomb”, a real scoop on Renzi and Macron: we await the results….
So, in summary, the facts presented tell us that on the one hand the Italian institutions at the time would have helped Trump against the supposed electoral fraud of 2020 as well as to dismantle Russiagate; on the other hand, there appear to have been "particular" Italian subjects directly involved in the anti-Trump affair, with roles that I would say are ambiguous.
all in all, a good sign I would say: Italy seems to have been, net of the CDs. bombers internally, the only European country to dedicate itself to Trump, although excluding the work of individual subjects, let's say, deviating from the national institution (...).
However, it remains to be assessed whether or not the above will be positive for the individuals mentioned in the video, in the event of Trump's victory next November; we'll see what will happen, we still believe we see the glass half full as a country of Italy, vis a vis with the USA, despite amazement and a bit of anxiety at the activism reported in the video by certain Italian subjects (...).
We conclude by believing that if Trump is elected, a purification of the EU will be an obligatory fact, let's face it. Perhaps starting precisely from Rome, Florence and Milan. That is, more or less, starting from the same place where the COVID snake officially entered the West, the remaining Western countries only followed.
* Two schemes are sufficient to demonstrate the not precisely democratic nature in the canonical sense of the EU Parliament, at least compared to the traditional functions of Western parliaments (in the EU it cannot legislate independently from what is indicated/granted by the EU Commission)